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Radiographic Testing

Radiographic Testing

Radiography is used when volumetric inspections are necessary to insure part reliability. We are equipped with a portable 160 KV x-ray tube, a fixed 320 KV x-ray tube, Iridium 192 and Cobalt 60 Gamma ray sources which provide us with a wide range of capabilities from small electric components to 8 inches of steel. Radiographic Testing or Industrial Radiography, are Non Destructive Testing methods of inspecting materials for hidden flaws by using the ability of x-rays to penetrate various materials.

Film processing is accomplished by an automatic processor at our facility as well as a portable darkroom when immediate results are needed in the field.

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320 KV fixed X-ray Tube

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Iridium 192 gamma ray source

Key Benefits

  • Inspection of parts full cross section
  • Flaw type is easily classified
  • Permanent record stored on film

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Onsite Darkroom